Saturday, May 17, 2014

8th Grade Formal

Ty had his 8th Grade Formal tonight. Vicki and i had better clothes picked out for him, but he was set on what he had picked out. He is a simple guy and knows how he likes to dress. He isn't one to dress to impress, just to be comfortable and simple. That is Ty. He didn't even want to go to begin with. There was much drama leading up to this big night. First there were girls speculating on who he was going to ask to the dance. Than there were crushed hearts when he said he wasn't going to ask anyone because he thought that was ridiculous for Middle School kids and he wasn't going to be doing things like that until he could atleast drive. Soooo, than the drama shifted to arguments over which girl was going to ask Ty. This ended with Ty announcing that he was not going to go because the behavior of everyone arguing and being so hostile was just ruining it for everyone. Well, this resulted in tears. Yes, girls were saddened that he was not going to be there. He finally said he would go on the condition that he was not going with anyone but as everyones friend. He did not want a girldfriend until he was atleast old enough to drive, until than girls are friends, all equal friends to just talk and be nice and have fun. No drama and being ridiculous....he had an alright time and even danced some. He said it was fun just hanging out but the dancing was not fun and slow dancing was horrible and he never wants to do that again!!!!! When i picked him up he said, "lets get out of here, NOW!!!"  I laughed and told him that I'm sure he will change his mind down the road. He laughed and said to shoot him if he did. But than Vicki has never wanted to go to any dances here in NC so maybe he won't change his mind...or maybe it is just here....When we got home Ryan wanted to know all about the dance. It was so cute listening to them talking about 'the dance'.  I will miss these days.....

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